Operation Prevention

Operation Prevention, an initiative brought to you by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Discovery Education aims to combat the growing epidemic of prescription opioid misuse and heroin use by educating students about the science behind addiction and its impacts on the brain and body.

Now there are more ways than ever before to kick start lifesaving conversations in the classroom and at home. Check out some of the newest resources from Operation Prevention:

  • The Science Behind Opioid Addiction Virtual Field Trip explored the science of addiction to help middle and high school students understand how prescription drugs and heroin affect the brain and body. During this powerful forum, students got the unfiltered facts about drugs and addiction and had their questions answered by leading experts.
  • Elementary School Lesson: Joining the middle and high school lessons, Proactive Prevention, a new lesson and educator guide for an elementary school audience, explains how medications work in our bodies and why it is important to use them responsibly.
  • Spanish Resources: Operation Prevention’s website, Parent Toolkit, and new learning module are now available in Spanish.

According to the 2012 National Prevention Council Action Plan, “preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use increases people’s chances of living long, healthy, and productive lives and improves quality of life, academic performance, workplace productivity... reduces crime and criminal justice expenses; and reduces motor vehicle crashes and fatalities.” Effective, evidence-based interventions can be employed before young people become involved with substances. Parents, schools and communities can take an active role in preventing substance abuse.