What We Do

TNCAP has shown itself to be effective in implementing environmental strategies that prevent or reduce youth alcohol and substance abuse. Our accomplishments include:

Raising Community Awareness

  • A safe community is everybody’s business. We provide information to the community-at-large through our monthly columns in the Bronx Times Reporter and our twice-yearly Throggs Neck Family Newsletter.
  • TNCAP serves as an information and referral resource for any community group or organization on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs & has provided thousands of pieces of literature on these topics.
  • TNCAP strives to educate teens and adults on Social Host laws with our “Parents Who Host Lose the Most” Fact Cards distributed through Throggs Neck merchants with help from our local high school youth.
  • TNCAP conducts the “Risk is Real” campaign which utilizes a multimedia and social marketing approach for parents and teens on the harmful effects of underage drinking. Visit theriskisreal.org and get ongoing information on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheRiskisReal. Follow us on Twitter @TheRiskIsRealNY.
  • TNCAP’s Annual Poster Campaign for local schools provides a creative, engaging means to educate students about the risks of substance use, the importance of healthy choices and caring for the community.

Supporting Enforcement of Laws

  • TNCAP collaborates with the local police to conduct compliance checks of bars, restaurants and stores; to set up DWI checkpoints; and to monitor known “hotspots”.
  • TNCAP monitors the C Summonses written in the 45th Precinct to 16 & 17 yr. old who commit Quality of Life offenses.
  • The Alcohol Training Awareness Program offers a  2½ hour course to those who serve or sell alcohol that is approved and certified by the New York State Liquor Authority.
  • TNCAP distributes and monitors the use of mandated signage by retailers who sell alcohol and tobacco products.

Advocating for Policy Change

  • In 2011, Community Board #10 initiated a policy whereby all businesses applying or reapplying for a liquor license are advised to take the Alcohol Training Awareness Program offered by TNCAP. Trainings are offered 6 to 8 times per year.
  • In 2012, Senator Jeff Klein led the New York State Legislature in passing a bill which allows the owner of a bar or restaurant to use evidence of participation in an Alcohol Training Awareness Program to receive 25% off a civil penalty and to use participation in this training as part of an affirmative defense.
  • In 2012, the New York State Legislature with the leadership of Senator Jeff Klein banned caffeine in alcoholic drinks like Four Loko.
  • TNCAP was able to create the first non-supervised Skate Park in NYC and continues to monitor its upkeep in partnership with the Parks Dept.
  • In 2005, in collaboration with the 45th Precinct and local lawmakers, TNCAP piloted the Parent Notification Letter for teens who receive a C -Summons; it became NYC- wide policy in 2011.
  • TNCAP’s collaboration with the Bronx Smoke-Free Partnership resulted in the Smoke-Free Parks & Beaches Act in 2011 in New York City.